"Playing my M1 Izzy is not just a musical experience; it's a deeply satisfying and emotional journey for me. The warm and enveloping sound, the exquisite craftsmanship, and the unique features of this instrument all contribute to a sense of homecoming every time I play. The natural grain of the keyboard, the rich and powerful bass, the curve of the aged copper-colored resonators, and the tailored balance across the keyboard are not just features; they are part of my musical journey. The M1 Izzy is not just a marimba; it's my musical home"

Jordan Nielsen

Jordan Nielsen (he/him) is a percussionist, educator, and performer based in Columbia, MO.  He is a member of the Heartland Marimba Ensemble and has worked extensively in performance, teaching, administration, and recording. Recently, he has held positions as the Director for Education and Outreach at the Missouri Symphony and as Professor of Percussion at Central Methodist University.

He maintains an active teaching studio in Columbia, MO, JNPercussion Studios. His teaching philosophy is a highly collaborative approach to “meeting students where they are on their journey.” His students have received numerous 1st-place awards, principal chairs, “Gold” and “Exemplary” ratings in festivals and regional competitions. He worked with the Hickman High School Marching Band from 2019-2023, helping them achieve numerous awards and the “Best Percussion Section” acclimation in 2019.

Jordan is equally comfortable in recital, orchestral, chamber, and staged settings. As a member of the Heartland Marimba Ensemble (HME), he participated in HME’s “Composers Labfest” tour. In November 2022, he was a member of HM’s “Vivid Horizons” tour, which took him from PA and culminated in a showcase concert at the Percussive Arts Society International Convention.

Jordan studied with Dr. Lynn Vartan at Southern Utah University (2019), earning his Bachelor’s in Music Performance. He further honed his skills under the guidance of Dr. Megan Arns and Dr. Connor Stevens, earning his Master’s in Music at the University of Missouri Columbia and serving as a percussionist for the New Music Ensemble. Jordan proudly endorses Marimba One instruments and mallets.